Shape of final log output.

interface LogOutput {
    accountId: string;
    correlationId: string;
    dataSensitivity?: string;
    domain: string;
    error: boolean;
    functionMemorySize: string;
    functionName: string;
    functionVersion: string;
    hostPlatform: string;
    httpStatusCode: number;
    id: string;
    isColdStart: boolean;
    jurisdiction?: string;
    level?: LogLevels;
    message: Message;
    owner: string;
    region: string;
    resource: string;
    runtime: string;
    service: string;
    stage: string;
    system: string;
    tags?: string[];
    team: string;
    timestamp: string;
    timestampEpoch: string;
    timestampRequest: string;
    user: string;
    version: number;
    viewerCountry: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


accountId: string

The AWS account ID that the system is running in.

correlationId: string

Correlation ID for this function call.

dataSensitivity?: string

Data sensitivity classification for the contents of this log.

`public`, `proprietary`, `confidential`, `secret`
domain: string

Domain of the producer system.

error: boolean

Was this is an error?

functionMemorySize: string

Memory size of the current function.

functionName: string

The name of the function.

functionVersion: string

The version of the function.

hostPlatform: string

The host platform or infrastructure that runs the system.

httpStatusCode: number

HTTP status that is related to this log.

id: string

ID of the log.

isColdStart: boolean

Is this a Lambda cold start?

jurisdiction?: string

What legal jurisdiction does this system fall into?

`EU`, `US`, `CN`
level?: LogLevels

Log level.

message: Message

Log message.

owner: string

The organization that owns this system.

region: string

The region of the responding function/system.

resource: string

The resource (channel, URL path...) that is responding.

runtime: string

What runtime is used?

service: string

Service of the producer.

stage: string

What AWS stage are we in?

system: string

System of the producer.

tags?: string[]

Tags for the logged system.

team: string

Team responsible for emitting this log.

timestamp: string

Timestamp of this message in ISO 8601 (RFC 3339) format.

timestampEpoch: string

Timestamp of this message in Unix epoch.

timestampRequest: string

Request time in Unix epoch of the incoming request.

user: string

The user in this log context.

version: number

The version of the logged service.

viewerCountry: string

Which country did AWS CloudFront infer the user to be in?